Life has been very busy at the Van Hee household. I just can't believe how time has been flying by. Meadow had an awesome third year birthday party and has been thoroughly enjoying all her gifts. She has been especially busy riding her new bike. Beckett just turned nine months old this past week. He is loving crawling everywhere and getting into everything. Even though he still does not have any teeth yet, he is eating any small mushy food he can get his hands on. He has been one of the easiest babies to feed. He pretty much likes anything you give him in any form. He is already enjoying drinking out of a sippy cup. He is still breastfeeding, but we will see how long he continues, because for some reason he just loves drinking out of a cup, or water bottle, or bottle. I will be sad to see this phase go, so I am hoping he will hang on for a little longer. But, it has been nice knowing that he will still eat even when I am away from him. He is such a happy smiley little guy.
I have been busy being a mom as well as starting to train for the Portland Marathon, which is in October. Todd has been doing his usual fun activities when he gets the chance, kayaking and mt. biking. Just wanted to do a quick recap, just in case I don't get a chance to post again any time soon. The kids and I are headed to California next week to see some friends and family. Should be a fun trip and hopefully, I will survive the airport part with the two kids by myself.
Here are a few fun pictures taken recently.
This is Meadow with the monkey she made at Build a Bear -we got a gc from the Wubbena crew for Meadow's birthday.

Meadow actually took this picture of me. I just had to post it because she did such a great job.

Beckett on his nine month birthday

Meadow playing dress up with all of her new fairy wings and tutus

Doing some pretend flying in the rosetta tinkerbell outfit from Grandma and Grandpa Dubach

Another 9 month photo

Hopefully, I can post some more pics soon and some video of Beckett crawling.
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