Monday, October 5, 2009

Life is busy!

It has been hard to post an update these days with life being so busy. We have been enjoying our new little family of four. Meadow has been adjusting fairly well and really enjoys helping out her mom and dad and giggles when Beckett makes his funny baby noises. Beckett is growing really well. He had his two week appointment this past Friday and had gained 14 and a half ounces in nine days. He weighed 6 lbs 6 and a half ounces. I have to admit I am pretty exhausted from nursing every one to three hours round the clock, but I know this stage is only temporary so I am enjoying all the snuggling and holding I get to do with Beckett. Todd goes back to work on a part time schedule this week and next so I will still be getting a lot of help around the house. I posted several pics from the last week and a half.

Heidi came to visit with Esther last weekend. We took a light stroll by the river to see Meadow and Jonah playing.
Mary Jo and Gene stopped by in his first week.
Meadow loves to pat his head.

Meadow's big present for getting a baby brother. She loves this new toy!

One of the posed shots. I am still trying to get a nice picture for his announcement. Hope we can find one soon. He is wearing the knit hat my mom made for him.

Beckett next to Esther. She weighed 11 pounds in this picture and Beckett about 6.

His first bath. Look at those feet!

Meadow loves her new baby doll, called "other baby Beckett"

This picture shows her new haircut too.

Holding Beckett in the sling at our trip to OMSI last week. A little shout out to OMSI's discovery playground. What a great place for families and toddlers. They have so many great places to sit and a nursing room!! I wish all public places were so family friendly.
He loves to sleep in this little cacoon.

Todd has both kids asleep in his arms and one of his first jubelale's of the season. What a life!
On a hike by the Salmon River

We are slowly getting into our routine as parents of two. It has been nice receiving food from friends and family so that we have been able to spend more time with Beckett and Meadow. I am trying to be patient with my body recovering from the birth, but as most of you know it is hard for me to sit still for too long. But, hopefully in a few weeks I will be able to start doing some of the fun activities I missed while being pregnant.

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