This past weekend we had a chance to go to Sesame Street Live with the family. Both kids had a great time. Beckett kept us both busy with jumping on our laps and needing to do everything that babies do during the show. Meadow was very into the show and would take a break here and there from watching intently to put a few pieces of popcorn in her mouth. She didn't want to miss a thing.

Meadow chose to get an elmo balloon for her souvenier. She is showing off her balancing skills in this picture too.

Just yesterday we met up with our friend's, Jen, Maddie and James at OMSI. Maddie and Meadow had a great time at all the exhibits. It if fun how they can enjoy some of the bigger kid exhibits now too. They are growing up so fast.
Checking out one of the first space capsules.

Getting ready to take off!

The boys hanging out while the sisters play. Beckett also got to play in the discovery gym area. They have a wonderful baby area with lots of interactive toys. Meadow did a great job playing gently in this area so her brother could have some play time too.

James is four months younger, but has definitely caught up in size to Beckett.

We have had a busy past week. But, it has been fun to get out and enjoy some activities.
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