Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My New Friend

I just had to share a picture of my new friend the IRobot. Rita and Steve got this for me for my birthday and it has already changed my life tremendously. Instead of spending some of my morning sweeping and vacuuming, Meadow and I watched this lovely machine vacuum our whole house, while we ate breakfast. It was very entertaining. It is somewhat scizaphrenic in nature because it kind of zooms all over the place, but it really gets the job done. I will probably use it mainly when Meadow is in bed or when I can confine her to one area. She was really wanting to play with it, and it did not want to be distracted from its job. It also doesn't sense small children and could proceed to run her over. You can check this cool product out at

1 comment:

Dave Dyk said...

Ooo, Dave will be so jealous (his job at home is the floors). Love all the photos of Meadow too!