Saturday, February 6, 2010

Time is flying by

Life has been very busy these past few months. Definitely, the addition of Beckett has added so much joy to our lives as well encouraging us to relax a bit more and take it one day at a time. Meadow just seems to be growing leaps and bounds developmentally in the past few months. We have been going to story time regularly at our local library and she loves to sing songs and listen to the stories. We also participate in a community playgroup. She enjoys spending time with her little friends. We also just started gymnastics this past Monday and she seems to quite the natural. I was so proud of my little girl. She already was learning how to do moves on the big balance beam. I was also pretty jealous. It looked like so much fun jumping on the trampoline and learning how to do some of the basics of gymnastics. She had so much fun and we are both looking forward to next week.

Beckett is growing up so fast. He is definitely a little cuddle man. He has been rolling a fair amount from front to back. I think mainly because he really doesn't like tummy time. He is really grasping things now and can pretty much grab anything in his little radius. We also just recently started rice cereal with breast milk and he really loves it. Beckett loves his big sister and just lights up when he sees her. It is definitely cute to watch them interact. Todd and I have started a weekly date days again. Unfortunately, we have had to cancel a few due to me or the kids being sick. But, when we have had them it has been fun to head up to the mountain and enjoy our time together. I made a deal with myself that I had to do one more run each time I head to the mountain. So, by the end of the season hopefully I will be in great shape. That is pretty much the summary of what has been going on in our lives over the past month. Hope to update this more soon.

These are pictures from almost a month ago. We did a hike along the Salmon river, which is one of our local hikes that we enjoy with the kids.

These are pictures from when Meadow and I had fun doing her hair.

Meadow wanted to put as many hair things in her hair as she could.

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